Saturday, January 20, 2018

Sennacherib - Beyond A Wall Of Fire CDEP

Although not from the 90s, as this was released in 2000, Sennacherib's sole release is worthy of posting. The reason being that this shortlived band had 2 ex-members of 90s vegan sXe metal warriors Day Of Suffering in it, drummer Paul Hart and guitarist Rob Townsend. After the demise of DOS, they moved on to a band called Canaan which soon after became Sennacherib. They recorded a 2-song demo called 'The Rapture Incomplete', which Tribunal Records re-released on CD under the title 'Beyond A Wall Of Fire'. As Tribunal occasionally did, this one was released in a plastic CD bag with just 1 thick paper insert. Sennacherib's style was way more death metal than DOS, and as far as I know they were also not a 100% vegan or sXe band. As I said, the band was shortlived, after these 2 songs the band folded, and singer Ted Gasper moved on to Burn The Blood. I don't know what the other bandmembers did afterwards. In any case, as there are still plenty of people into DOS (and/or their predecessor Falling Down), so I figured this might be something interesting. Enjoy!

Sennacherib - Beyond A Wall Of Fire CDEP


P. Venikov said...

Can you please reup? Thank you so much!

XhcnoirX said...


inquisitive blogger said...

XhcnoirX says it has been re-upped but i tried to download it & it comes back as invalid. any chance of you maybe re-upping this jewel?

XhcnoirX said...


inquisitive blogger said...

Thanks A Million!!!! this is an unsung Jewel in the world of Metalcore.