I don't know too much about this band. They were a short-lived deathmetal band from the H8000 area in Belgium around 1998-1999. Their singer was this small, cute, nice girl called Kathy 187 who was at pretty much all the H8000 shows at the time. I saw them once, at this show in Eeklo where on the day of the show they persuaded the organizer to let them do a short set. We'd only heard rumors about 187 and were curious what Kathy sounded like live... Well, we quickly learned she had a massive grunt, something we did not expect. Not too long after I picked up this demo, and I've not seen or heard 187 since. Members went on to other H8000 bands such as Edge Of Life and All My Sins. Anyways, this is a pretty decent demo, so check it out!
One Eight Seven demo
Cool. Saw the band live a couple of times, back in the day. Never heard the demo. Thanks
I was at that show as well. I remember everyone who attended looking on in disbelief when she
grunted the first lyrics.
It was a moment never to forget.
Members are currently still active in Rock Stovrie, a (hard) rock cover band, quite popular in the Flanders area > https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150302311876613&set=a.10150302252656613.387701.51964681612&type=3&theater
Anyway to get a re up? Thank you!!!
Re-upped, enjoy!
Any chance of a re-up?
Please reup
Re up?
I saw the band 2 Times years ago in Gent. Super gig! Didn't know they had a tape out. But the link doesn't work anymore... Is it possible to download it?
Please re-up this
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